When to take your child to the dentist for the first time is one of the most frequently asked questions by new parents. Today we solve all your doubts.

Children’s dentists insist, today, on the importance of giving children dental care at a very early age. In this way, we not only create the habit of “visiting the dentist”, but we will be able to prevent possible future problems and treat them so that they do not get worse.

First visit to the pediatric dentist

In the past, it was recommended that the first visit to the dentist be when the child had all or most of his or her baby teeth, around 36 months. However, more and more pediatricians and pediatric dentists recommend that children go to the dentist sooner to start good oral hygiene and as a preventative measure for future problems associated with dental malocclusion or baby bottle tooth decay.

Our pediatric dentist, at Stellar Kids Dentistry, recommends that the first visit to the dentist be between 1 and 3 years of age. Above all, it is important not to wait for the child to have any alteration or pain.

What is done at the first check-up at the pediatric dentist?

The first time you take your child to the dentist, the pediatric dentist will examine both the child’s gums and teeth to confirm that there are no alterations. That is, the child’s teeth have a uniform color and there are no alterations in the normal growth of baby teeth. In addition, the pediatric dentist teaches oral hygiene habits to parents during this first visit so that they can apply it to the little ones.

If the child is already more or less autonomous, she will teach the child himself how to properly clean his teeth and gums.

It is always more advisable not to apply treatment on a first visit so that the child does not become distrustful when it comes to going to their children’s dentist.

However, another visit should be planned later, as it is very important that damaged primary teeth (baby teeth) are treated. Failure to do so may result in deterioration of permanent teeth even before they emerge.

What is pediatric dentistry?

Children’s dentistry or pediatric dentistry is the specialty of dentistry that is responsible for caring for and treating the dental health of children.

Our pediatric dentist in Stellar Kids Dentistry not only treats the problems that children may have in their teeth (such as cavities, for example), children’s dentists also play a very important role at an educational level by teaching the child the correct dental hygiene habits that will accompany them throughout the life all his life.

Other problems, such as poor dental positioning, can be detected and corrected in time by applying the necessary treatments. The most important thing in terms of dental prevention in children is to ensure a correct evolution of the dental apparatus that will mark their dental health, in a positive way, for the rest of their life.

How to choose a good pediatric dentist?

When choosing a good dentist, we must make sure that the dentist is licensed. Furthermore, when looking for a good dentist for children, it is important that the pediatric dentist not only has received training in dental treatments (specific for children), but also that the pediatric dentist knows techniques so that the child feels comfortable in the dentist consult and do not create trauma for the future regarding the visit to the dentist.

Make an appointment by calling (425) 341-7827 or by filling out the contact questionnaire and our team will carry out a complete evaluation of your children’s dental health. 

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